Children's lessons are offered during Sunday service beginning at 10:00am. Together we explore spirituality through lessons surrounding an age appropriate monthly theme using affirmations, stories to spark questions, mindfulness exercises, arts & crafts, and of course plenty of opportunity to play. We invite you to join us in person or enjoy these lessons virtually here!

Current Children's Lesson Series

Unity of Olympia is solely supported by the generosity of our donors. If you find value in these lessons, please consider making a financial contribution.


Living Curriculum

At Unity of Olympia, we follow a Living Curriculum. This means one that:

  • Lives in the question
  • Uses the vehicle of story and/or experience
  • Is issue based
  • Is engaging
  • Is an adventure
  • Elicits creativity
  • Involves everyone
  • Always has debriefing

You can learn more about the Living Curriculum philosophy here.

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